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En Directo: ingeniería para el progreso, la naturaleza y las personas


Indagando Televisión emite en abierto el 37th Symposium organizado por la Asociación Internacional de Puentes e Ingeniería Estructural
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09:00 – 10:30
Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session I

Dong Xu
New Developments and Challenges in PC Bridge Design in China

10:30 – 11:00

Room: Exhibition
11:00 – 12:45
Plenary Session II & III

Dan Frangopol. Inspection, Monitoring, and Maintenance of Infrastructure Systems in a Life-cycle Context: Emphasis on Bridges

Javier Manterola Armisén. Spanish Bridges

09:00 – 10:30
Plenary Session IV, V & VI

Raid Karoumi. Recent research in the field of railway bridge dynamics

Maria E. Garlock. Creative Teaching for Educating Creative Structural Engineers

Robert Ratay. Forensic Structural Engineering: Opening doors of opportunity to change

Viernes 5, SEPTEMBER
09:00 – 10:30
Plenary Session VII, VIII & IX

Avery Bang. Bridges to Prosperity: Designing bridges to connect people, nature and engineering

Xavier Oliver. Computational modeling of concrete as a complex material: past, present and future trends

Matt Carter. Delivering Architectural Quality in Design-Build and PPP Projects

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